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Writer's pictureOttershaw Neighbourhood Forum

What Does a Change of Government Mean for Ottershaw?

As we anticipate the effects of a new government, your Forum has been closely examining the potential implications for Ottershaw. Here’s what we currently foresee:

Key Changes Under the New Government

  1. Revised Planning Laws: The incoming government is expected to overhaul planning regulations to expedite and increase development. This means that opposing development could become much more challenging.

  2. Reestablished Housing Targets: Local councils will be required to meet specific housing targets, for Runnymede this has been stated as 620 houses per year, an increase of 13.6%. It has been suggested that this is for 5 years but this could be for longer. It is not clear whether planned developments are included in or excluded from this.

  3. Green Belt Review: A comprehensive review of the Green Belt is on the horizon, aimed at identifying areas suitable for development. With much of Runnymede’s land outside of town and village centres designated as Green Belt, the protections that previously helped resist development may be significantly weakened or removed.

Local Impacts and Our Response

Our local council has already initiated a review of all urban and brownfield sites to assess their development potential. However, we anticipate that these areas alone will not be sufficient to meet new housing targets.

ONF have written to RBC requesting detailed information in planning laws and reforms and impacts to Runnymede. Click here.

Working Together for Ottershaw

We need the community’s support and input to navigate these changes and determine what is best for Ottershaw. We will be regularly consulting with you to gather your views and preferences, ensuring that our response is aligned with the community’s needs and aspirations.


Your ONF Steering Committee


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The Ottershaw Neighbourhood Forum is a not-for-profit organisation set up as an Unincorporated Association.

It is a Neighbourhood Forum as defined in the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by the Localism Act 2011.

QuestionPro supports us with a free license for our community surveys

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