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Successful August Mini-Fair

Despite the weather being rather unkind, Saturday 22nd August, our first mini-fair was a very successful event. All the stall holders reported they were very happy with their takings, despite footfall being lower than we had hoped due to the weather.

The pizza man was delighted to put his 'Sold Out' sign up and the cake stall also pretty much sold out. The club charity received £90 from the stalls rent and Julie Last, who organised the fair, raised £100 for her chosen charity Dementia UK.

Thanks were extended to John Gurney for allowing us to use the Ottershaw Social Club carpark to host the stalls, also to family, friends and Forum Steering Committee members who were available on the day to help out, and particularly those who were able to rush off home and gather their gazebos to afford shelter for the stallholders!


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The Ottershaw Neighbourhood Forum is a not-for-profit organisation set up as an Unincorporated Association.

It is a Neighbourhood Forum as defined in the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by the Localism Act 2011.

QuestionPro supports us with a free license for our community surveys

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