We have been in regular contact with our Surrey County Councillor (SCC) Jonathan Hulley relating to the roundabout. We are informed that the SCC A320 project team are trying to find a solution to satisfy the planning conditions and the issues we have raised based on their design.
We also recently met with our MP Dr Ben Spencer, together with other SCC and RBC Councillors in order to provide our clear perspective on the material issues based on the current approved design.
In brief, these are as follows:
The loss and irreparable damage to our veteran trees and hedgerows between the Otter Nursery and the roundabout.
The many changes which have been driven by the amendments to the land required for the roundabout since the approval in July 2022.
The above, in our opinion, conflicts with the current approved design and reasons for the planning conditions imposed by SCC themselves.
We believe we now have the attention of Ben Spencer and the councillors in this important matter which aims to protect our environment.
We will keep you informed of any developments.
Ottershaw Neighbourhood Forum
Ottershaw & West Addlestone Residents Association (OWARA)
Ottershaw Society
Murray Road Residents Association
Brox Road Nursery Action Group (BRAG)