New Communications Strategy developedOttershaw Neighbourhood ForumFeb 23, 2021Read the ONF communications strategy to find out about planned surveys and other interesting topics!You can download the strategy and other important documents from the download section of this website.
Read the ONF communications strategy to find out about planned surveys and other interesting topics!You can download the strategy and other important documents from the download section of this website.
What Does a Change of Government Mean for Ottershaw?As we anticipate the effects of a new government, your Forum has been closely examining the potential implications for Ottershaw. Here’s...
Brockhurst Care Home LatestDespite our best efforts and those of our SCC councillors at the SCC Planning meeting on 26th June (Jonathan Hulley & Scott Lewis) who...
A320 Otter Roundabout LatestThe ONF Formal Complaint to SCC regarding their project team's conduct and many issues including our Murray Road Veteran trees has now...