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Monstrosity that will loom over the village

Above is an image the ONF have created from the developers description and images to represent a street view of the new outline planning application for Brockhurst on Brox Road.

Surrey County Council have now resubmitted the outline planning application for the former Brockhurst Care Home (corner of Brox and Slade Roads).

Application Number: SCC 2023-0045 (Surrey County Council website)

Site Address: Former Brockhurst Care Home, Brox Road, Ottershaw, Surrey KT16 0HQ

Closing date for comments: 26th April 2024

To comment on the application, click on the application number above, click ACCEPT, then click COMMENT ON THIS APPLICATION at the top of the page.

Firstly, to be clear, we remain strongly in support of the provision of a C3 Extracare facility within Ottershaw and welcome a number of the amendments from the previous submission which mitigate some issues we had raised, however it is our view that the outline design still fails to meet the objectives of design and practicality in a number of key areas.

SCC have included in their plans, an increased capacity of the facility from 44 units to 51 units to the detriment of the solution and the surrounding area. In our view this is neither tolerable or practicable at this location remote from the village centre. It is our view that these issues need to be fully addressed before proceeding to full detailed application, which will then be too late.

The design has changed for 3 floors, to 4 floors. Retaining it's close proximity to Brox Road and Slade Road, at over 13 meters high, it's large area and perpendicular walls to roof level is excessive and will significantly and negatively dominate the local streetscene, creating a 'tunnel' effect.

Despite the slight increase by two spaces in parking capacity, the issue for parking on site is worse than the previous plan. Parking provision is quoted as 25 at 0.5spaces/unit, however this fails to include the staff requirement. If this is factored in, the requirement is for a minimum of 30 spaces plus provision for ambulances and other transit vehicles. If this is not provided, we will see a significant parking spill onto the roads, which are already becoming increasingly difficult to navigate of late.

These concerns have of course been raised with our Surrey and local councillors directly and submitted to the planning portal. Read the FULL ONF letter here. Of course you are welcome to use the comments within this letter should you wish to submit your own.


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The Ottershaw Neighbourhood Forum is a not-for-profit organisation set up as an Unincorporated Association.

It is a Neighbourhood Forum as defined in the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by the Localism Act 2011.

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