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Planning Applications in Ottershaw 

ONF Planning Application Review

As a statutory consultee, the Forum Steering Committee now receive notification from Runnymede Borough Council (RBC) of all planning applications submitted in the Ottershaw Neighbourhood Area.  Responses to these are only generated in those cases deemed of significance to the area. Whilst timeframes for response do not permit eliciting the views of forum members, it is seen as essential that our communications regarding these is readily available.  The Steering Committee (SC) approved responses are therefore referenced below.
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RBC planning applications can be viewed in detail at the Runnymede Borough Council Planning Portal

SCC planning applications can be viewed in detail at the Surrey Council Planning Register

Application Number
Site Address
Development Description
Date Registered with RBC / SCC
Ottershaw Neighbourhood Forum Opinion
4 Cottage Close Ottershaw Surrey KT16 0NJ
New boundary fence following removal of existing hedge
Recommend Refuse
Land between Druids Lodge and The Spinney, Stonehill Road, Ottershaw
Certificate of Existing Lawful Development for the use of the site as an equestrian livery, the erection of stable block and barn, erection of fencing and gates and formation of a means of access from Stonehill Road.
Recommend Refuse
8 Brox Road, Ottershaw, Surrey KT16 0HL
Application for Certificate of Lawful Development (Food Truck)
Recommend Refuse
Fairoaks Airport, Chertsey Road, Chobham, Woking, Surrey GU24 8HU
Erection of 2no. demountable film studios with ancillary office space, provision of a backlot area, new internal access road and car parking and associated hard and soft landscaping works.
03-07- 2023
Recommend Refuse
66 Brox Road, Ottershaw, Surrey, KT16 0HH
Retrospective Application for Planning Permission for the installation of two porta-cabins, the construction of a canopy, and installation of a mains toilet block.
Recommend Refuse
Land at Junction 10 A320, Guildford Road, Ottershaw, Surrey
Details of proposed street lighting design pursuant to condition 16 of planning permission RU.21/2018
Recommend Refuse
Land at Junction 10, A320 Guildford Road, Ottershaw, Surrey
Details of a pre-construction badger survey pursuant to condition 18 of planning permission ref: RU.21/2018
Recommend Refuse
Land At Junction 10, A320 Guildford Road, Ottershaw, Surrey
Discharge of Condition 3 (External materials), 6 (Construction Environmental Man. Plan), 8 (Land contamination), 12 (Lighting), 13 ( Cycle Storage) and 16 (Construction Transport Man. Plan) of planning permission RU.23/0544.
Recommend Refuse
24 Brox Road, Ottershaw, Surrey KT16 0HL
The construction of a building contain four residential units with associated hardstanding, outdoor amenity and parking following demolition of existing dwelling and garage.
Recommend Defer or Refuse
SCC 2023-0045
Former Brockhurst Care Home, Brox Road, Ottershaw, Surrey KT16 0HQ
Former Brockhurst Care Home Outline Planning Application Revisions
Recommend Refuse
Brox Road Nurseries, Brox Road, Ottershaw, Surrey KT16 0LQ
Details pursuant to Discharge Condition 22 (Biodiversity Net Gain) of planning permission RU.22/0454 for the Hybrid planning application (housing development area).
Willow Farm, Chobham Road, Ottershaw, Surrey KT16 0QE
Section 73 application to vary condition 1 (terms of use) to allow for the permanent use of the site by an extended Traveller family, remove condition 3 (no. of pitches and caravans), vary condition 6 (no. of commercial vehicles), and vary condition 8 (hard and soft landscaping) of permission RU.22/0109.
Recommend Refuse
66 Brox Road, Ottershaw, Surrey, KT16 0HH
Retrospective Application for Planning Permission for the installation of two porta-cabins, the construction of a canopy, and installation of a mains toilet block
Recommend Refuse
24 Brox Road Ottershaw Surrey KT16 0HL
The construction of a building containing four seperate residential units following the demolition of existing house and garage.
Recommend Refuse
Land adjacent to Sunnyside, Stonehill Road, Ottershaw, Chertsey, Surrey KT16 0ER
Change of use of the Land for the keeping of horses; installation of access road; erection of stables; reinstatement of riding menage (Part retrospective)
Recommend Refuse
The Field Nursery, Brox Lane, Ottershaw, Surrey, KT16 0LL
Construction of 13no. houses and 6no. apartments with associated parking, garages, landscaping, and open space, following the demolition of the existing buildings on site.
Recommend Refuse
SCC 2023-0045 / RU.23/0474
Former Brockhurst Care Home, Brox Road, Ottershaw
Outline application for the erection of 1-3-storey building for extra care accommodation, comprising self-contained apartments, staff and communal facilities, and associated parking. Appearance and Landscaping reserved.
Recommend Refuse
Forge Oak, Guildford Road, Ottershaw
Erection of detached two storey dwelling
Approve (with condition)
Ottershaw East, Brox Road, Ottershaw – SANG
Full planning permission for the proposed change of use from agricultural land to publicly accessible open space to be used as Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) on 10.42ha of land, including the demolition of an existing barn and creation of new pathways, associated landscaping and associated earthworks.
Recommend Refuse
183 Brox Road Ottershaw Surrey KT16 0LJ
Construction of an Entrance Feature at Development Site at Brox End Nursery and 183 Brox Road, Ottershaw, KT160LJ
Recommend Refuse
Ten Acres Chobham Road Ottershaw Surrey KT16 0QB
T1 English Oak - Fell to ground level
Recommend Refuse
64 Brox Road Ottershaw Surrey KT16 0HH
Part change of use from office store (ancillary to former builders merchants) to Use Class C3 residential to create a 5 bed dwelling house at 64 Brox Road
Recommend Refuse
Land to the east of Brox Road Ottershaw KT16 0LQ
Full planning application 2 x replacement garages, residential development of 186 dwellings and 2 Gypsy and Traveller Pitches. Outline planning permission for: Use of 0.1 ha of land for provision of a GP Surgery of c800sqm.
Recommend Refuse
Brockhurst Brox Road Ottershaw Surrey KT16 0HQ
Hoarding advertisement indicating Surrey County Council's aspirations for its residents in 2030 and features of Extra Care Housing
Recommend Defer
(Travis Perkins Site), 66 Brox Road, Ottershaw
Demolition of the existing Travis Perkin buildings and erection 9 residential units with associated parking and landscaping. Amendments to the parking for the adjoining nursery building.
Recommend Defer
64 Brox Road, Ottershaw, KT16 0HH
Prior Approval application for an extension to the existing dwellinghouse to provide an additional storey so the resultant dwellinghouse has a maximum height of 10.7 metres, under Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) - Schedule 2, Part 1, Class AA (enlargement of a dwellinghouse by construction of additional storey)
Recommend Refuse
St Peters Hospital, Guildford Road, Chertsey, Surrey, KT16 0PZ
Condition 35 (Highway improvement) - PA - RU.17/1815 (West site) to enable up to 328 dwellings and apartments in Dev Area A to be occupied prior to completion of roundabout works through temp mitigation.
Recommend Refuse (Major Issues)
SCC Ref 2021/0126
A320 Road Guildford Road Junction, Chertsey, Surrey
Highway improvements including a new roundabout, junction, access, pedestrian/cycle connections and crossings; including landscaping and associated infrastructure and engineering works.
Approve (No Comments Submitted)
SCC Ref 2021/0185
Junction 10, A320 Guildford Road, Ottershaw
A320 Guildford Road with A319 Chobham Road, Foxhills Road, Murray/Brox Road, Ottershaw, highway improvements including a new roundabout, junctions and other associated features.
Recommend Refuse (Major Issues)
Travis Perkins Site, 66 Brox Road, Ottershaw
Full Planning Permission, Demolition of the existing Travis Perkin buildings and erection of a convenience retail shop (E(a)) with 3x1 bedroom residential flats (C3) above, parking and associated bin store.
Recommend Defer or Refuse (Minor Issues)
Brox Road Nurseries, Brox Road, Ottershaw (Ottershaw East) KT16 0LQ
Full planning permission for proposed change of use from agricultural land to publicly accessible open space to be used as Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) on 10.42ha of land, including the demolition of an existing barn and creation of new pathways and associated landscaping. Creation of new areas of public open space (including play areas and a community orchard) relative to the adjacent site comprising an outline planning application for residential development (Use Class C3); serviced gypsy/traveller pitches (Sui Generis); GP Surgery (Use Class E), landscaping and associated development
Recommend Defer or Refuse (Major Issues)
Land to the east of Brox Road, Ottershaw KT16 0LQ (Ottershaw East)
Outline planning application for residential development (Use Class C3); serviced gypsy/traveller pitches (Sui Generis); GP Surgery (Use Class E); associated landscaping, utilities and drainage infrastructure; and associated infrastructure and enabling works including the demolition of all existing nursery buildings and glasshouses. All matters are reserved for future consideration with the exception of access to the site, to be taken from Brox Road.
Recommend Refuse
Land off Brox Road (Ottershaw East) Ottershaw Surrey
EIA Screening Opinion in respect of the proposed development of the site for new residential development, a GP Surgery, Gypsy Traveller Pitches and the provision of a SANG (Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space)
No Response
24 Brox Road Ottershaw KT16 0HL
Demolition of the existing buildings on site to provide 5 apartments, 3 x 2 bed and 2 x 1 bed with associated parking, bin storage, cycle storage, access and amenity.
Recommend Refuse

To contact the ONF,

The Ottershaw Neighbourhood Forum is a not-for-profit organisation set up as an Unincorporated Association.

It is a Neighbourhood Forum as defined in the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by the Localism Act 2011.

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