Join the Ottershaw Neighourhood Forum
Joining as a member of the Forum is FREE and allows you to vote and to receive notifications by email on matters affecting the Ottershaw Neighbourhood Area. ​
Businesses, community groups and people over 18 who live or work in the Neighbourhood Area are entitled to full membership, others can join as associate members.
Data Privacy
This data privacy notice is issued to comply with the General Data Protection Regulations. The Ottershaw Neighbourhood Forum maintains a list of members, their names, addresses and email addresses. This information is used to maintain an email and address list for disseminating information. The complete membership list can only be viewed by the Steering Committee of the Ottershaw Neighbourhood Forum. The list of members is never shared with any other organisation. The ‘lawful basis’ for this data processing is the ‘legitimate interests’ of the Ottershaw Neighbourhood Forum. If you have any questions about this, please contact us by email below.
If you wish to have your details removed from our membership list please contact us by email below, giving your name so we can trace your details.